

global saving plans




Bound by grinding schedules and a daily routine, many of us look forward to an exciting and fulfilling retirement, We await the day when we will have time to pursue hobbies, travel and simply enjoy time off.

What will your retirement look like? While it may still seem distant, the trend of early retirement is on the rise. Without proper planning, this time of well-deserved rest and pleasure can rapidly transform into financial pressure and anxiety. Ensuring a comfortable retirement income and accumulating sufficient capital guarantee true financial independence, so think ahead and plan wisely. Start to grow your retirement funds early with our Global Savings Plan. What better gift to yourself then the prosperous retirement you've worked so hard for?


In today's increasingly competitive world, a higher education is a ticket to success. A first-class education will provide your child with the tools needed to attain a successful career and enjoy a lifetime of opportunities. It is your job as a parent to equip your child with the tools they need to actualize their ambitions. Whatever the academic route followed, whether a degree from a local university or prestigious institute overseas, the costs can be burdensome. Tuitions often increase at a rate above the general level of inflation and does not account for hidden costs like housing and allowance. The solution is simple: plan ahead. With Securus' Global Savings Plan, you can grow your funds to always meet the bills.